Publications - Working papers

Please find below working papers of our group. Currently, we list 58 working papers. In the list are only not published papers present. If you look for a preprint of an already published paper you must look in the "Published papers" section. If you have problems accessing electronic information, please let us know:

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Axiomatic Characterization of the Cut-Vertex Transit function of a Graph

Manoj Changat, Ferdoos Hossein Nezhad, Peter F. Stadler


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In this paper we study the cut-vertex transit function of a connected graph G and discuss its betweenness properties. We show that the cut-vertex transit function can be realized as the interval function of a block graph and derive an axiomatic characterization of cut-vertex transit functions. We then consider a natural generalization to hypergraphs and investigate its basic properties.


Transit function; Convexity, Cut vertices, Block graphs