Publications - Working papers

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On topological RNA interaction structures

Jing Qin and Christian M. Reidys


[ PDF ]

Status: Accepted

Journal of Computational Biology, to appear


Recently a folding algorithm of topological RNA pseudoknot structures has been presented [24]. This algorithm folds single stranded γ-structures, i.e. RNA structures composed by distinct motifs of bounded topological genus. In this paper, we study the two backbone analogue of γ-structures: the RNA γ-interaction structures. These are RNA-RNA interaction structures that are constructed by a finite number of building blocks over two and one backbone having genus at most γ . Properties of γ-interaction structures are of practical interest since they are the targets of topological interaction structure folding algorithms. We show that the generating function of γ-interaction structures is algebraic, which implies that the numbers of interaction structures can be computed recursively. We furthermore obtain simple asymptotic formulas for 0- and 1-interaction structures. The simplest class are the 0-interaction structures, which represent the two backbone analogue of secondary structures.


RNA-RNA interaction, γ-interaction structure, Shape, Symbolic enumeration, Singularity analysis, RNA secondary structure