Publications - Supplemental material

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BIOINF 18-054: Developmenty driven changes in adipogenesis in different fat depots are related to obesity

Jana Breitfeld, Stephanie Kehr, Luise Müller, Peter Stadler, Yvonne Böttcher, Matthias Blüher, Michael Stumvoll, Peter Kovacs

Supplemental Method

Single Time Point Analysis

Supplemental Method
- Single time point analysis using Transcriptome Analysis Console (TAC) [docx]

Supplemental Tables

Microarray data

Supplemental Table 1
- Expression intensities [csv]
Supplemental Table2
- TTCA input [epi] [ing]

TTCA Analysis

Supplemental Table 3
- Single time point analysis [d80\%] [d0] [d2] [d4] [d6] [d8]
Supplemental Table 4
- TTCA results list: [csv] [xlsx]
Supplemental Table 5
- Filtered list of genes: [html] [csv] [xlsx]

Cluster Analysis

Supplemental Table 6
- Genes in same clusters in epi and ing: [csv] [xlsx]
Supplemental Table 7
- Genes in different clusters in epi and ing: [csv] [xlsx]

Human and Mouse DE gene overlap

Supplemental Table 8
- Gene expression of significant differentielly expressed genes in human adipose tissue and mouse epididymal vs inguinal cell line adipogenesis [docx]

Gene function

Supplemental Table 9
- Function of top hit genes [docx]

Supplemental Figures

Adipogenesis in cell lines

Supplemental Figure 1
- AdipoRed staining during adipogenesis in epididymal and inguinal cell lines [docx]

TTCA Analysis

Supplemental Figure 2
- Influence of Relevance Score on Consensus Score for 137 filtered gene [pdf]
Supplemental Figure 3
- Consensus Score Distribution [pdf]

KEGG Pathway Analysis Figure caption

Supplemental Figure 4
- mmu04152: AMPK signaling pathway (Graphviz view) [pdf]
Supplemental Figure 5
- mmu04152: AMPK signaling pathway (KEGG view) [pdf]
Supplemental Figure 6
- mmu04923: Regulation of lipolysis in adipocytes (Graphviz view) [pdf]
Supplemental Figure 7
- mmu04923: Regulation of lipolysis in adipocytes (KEGG view) [pdf]
Supplemental Figure 8
- mmu00561: Glycerolipid metabolism (Graphviz view) [pdf]
Supplemental Figure 9
- mmu00561: Glycerolipid metabolism (KEGG view) [pdf]
Supplemental Figure 10
- mmu03320: PPAR signaling pathway (Graphviz view) [pdf]
Supplemental Figure 11
- mmu03320: PPAR signaling pathway (KEGG view) [pdf]
Supplemental Figure 12
- mmu05162: Measles (Graphviz view) [pdf]
Supplemental Figure 13
- mmu05162: Measles (KEGG view) [pdf]
Supplemental Figure 14
- mmu05160: Hepatitis C (Graphviz view) [pdf]
Supplemental Figure 15
- mmu05160: Hepatitis C (KEGG view) [pdf]
Supplemental Figure 16
- mmu05164: Influenca A (Graphviz view) [pdf]
Supplemental Figure 17
- mmu05164: Influenca A (KEGG view) [pdf]
Supplemental Figure 18
- mmu00910: Nitrogen metabolism (Graphviz view) [pdf]
Supplemental Figure 19
- mmu00910: Nitrogen metabolism (KEGG view) [pdf]