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BIOINF 20-008: PTEN regulates adipose progenitor growth, differentiation and cellular aging

Anna S. Kirstein, Stephanie Kehr, Michele Nebe, Judith Lorenz, Melanie Penke, Peter F. Stadler, Wieland Kiess, Antje Garten

Supplementary Tables

Differentially Expressed Genes from RNA-seq
Supplementary Table S1
- Differentially expressed genes adjusted p-value < 0.01: [csv] [xlsx]
Supplementary Table S2
- Differentially expressed genes adjusted p-value < 0.01 & log2 fold-change > |1|: [csv] [xlsx]
Supplementary Table S3
- Overlap of differentially expressed genes from three studies: [csv] [xlsx]
Supplementary Tables S4
- SVF cell cultures: [S4]
Supplementary Tables S5
- Antibodies used for flow cytometry: [S5]
Supplementary Tables S6
- Flow cytometry analysis of cell surface markers [S6]
Supplementary Tables S7
- crRNAs used for CRISPR/Cas9 PTEN knockout: [S7]
Supplementary Tables S8
- Antibodies for Western blot and immunoflourescence staining: [S8]
Supplementary Tables S7
- Primers used for RT-qPCR: [S9]

Supplementary Figures

Supplementary Figure 1
Supplementary Figure 2
Supplementary Figure 3
Supplementary Figure 4
Supplementary Figure 5
Supplementary Figure 6
Supplementary Figure 7

Gene Set Enrichment in KEGG Pathways Figure caption

Enriched pathways
Cellular Senescence
- hsa04218 (Graphviz view) [pdf]
- hsa04218 (KEGG view) [png]
Proteoglycans in cancer
- hsa05205 (Graphviz view) [pdf]
- hsa05205 (KEGG view) [png]
- hsa04144 (Graphviz view) [pdf]
- hsa04144 (KEGG view) [png]
Pathways in Cancer
- hsa05200 (Graphviz view) [pdf]
- hsa05200 (KEGG view) [png]
Focal adhension
- hsa04510 (Graphviz view) [pdf]
- hsa04510 (KEGG view) [png]
Rap1 signaling pathway
- hsa04015 (Graphviz view) [pdf]
- hsa04015 (KEGG view) [png]
Sphingolipid signaling pathway
- hsa04071 (Graphviz view) [pdf]
- hsa04071 (KEGG view) [png]
Spingolipid metabolism
- hsa00600 (Graphviz view) [pdf]
- hsa00600 (KEGG view) [png]
FoxO signaling pathway
- hsa04068 (Graphviz view) [pdf]
- hsa04068 (KEGG view) [png]
Apelin signaling pathway
- hsa04371 (Graphviz view) [pdf]
- hsa04371 (KEGG view) [png]
Platelet activation
- hsa04611 (Graphviz view) [pdf]
- hsa04611 (KEGG view) [png]
Synaptic vesicle circle
- hsa04721 (Graphviz view) [pdf]
- hsa04721 (KEGG view) [png]
Insulin signaling pathway
- hsa04910 (Graphviz view) [pdf]
- hsa04910 (KEGG view) [png]
Hepatocellular carcinoma
- hsa05225 (Graphviz view) [pdf]
- hsa05225 (KEGG view) [png]
MAPKsignaling pathway
- hsa04010 (Graphviz view) [pdf]
- hsa04010 (KEGG view) [png]
Adherence junction
- hsa04520 (Graphviz view) [pdf]
- hsa04520 (KEGG view) [png]
Additional Relevant Pathways
Glycolysis / Gluconeogenesis
- hsa00010 (Graphviz view) [pdf]
- hsa00010 (KEGG view) [png]
Citrate cycle (TCA cycle)
- hsa00020 (Graphviz view) [pdf]
- hsa00020 (KEGG view) [png]
Pentose phosphate pathway
- hsa00030 (Graphviz view) [pdf]
- hsa00030 (KEGG view) [png]
Inositol phosphate metabolism
- hsa00562 (Graphviz view) [pdf]
- hsa00562 (KEGG view) [png]
Fatty acid biosynthesis
- hsa00061 (Graphviz view) [pdf]
- hsa00061 (KEGG view) [png]
Fatty acid elongation
- hsa00062 (Graphviz view) [pdf]
- hsa00062 (KEGG view) [png]
Fatty acid degradation
- hsa00071 (Graphviz view) [pdf]
- hsa00071 (KEGG view) [png]
Steroid biosynthesis
- hsa00100 (Graphviz view) [pdf]
- hsa00100 (KEGG view) [png]
Tryptophan metabolism
- hsa00380 (Graphviz view) [pdf]
- hsa00380 (KEGG view) [png]
D-Glutamine and D-glutamate metabolism
- hsa00471 (Graphviz view) [pdf]
- hsa00471 (KEGG view) png]
Glycosaminoglycan biosynthesis - chondroitin sulfate / dermatan sulfate
- hsa0 (Graphviz view) [pdf]
- hsa00532 (KEGG view) [png]
Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchor biosynthesis
- hsa00563 (Graphviz view) [pdf]
- hsa05630 (KEGG view) [png]
Nicotinate and nicotinamide metabolism
- hsa00760 (Graphviz view) [pdf]
- hsa07600 (KEGG view) [png]
RNA polymerase
- hsa03020 (Graphviz view) [pdf]
- hsa03020 (KEGG view) [png]
- hsa03010 (Graphviz view) [pdf]
- hsa03010 (KEGG view) [png]
Protein export
- hsa03060 (Graphviz view) [pdf]
- hsa03060 (KEGG view) [png]
Ras signaling pathway
- hsa04014 (Graphviz view) [pdf]
- hsa04014 (KEGG view) [png]
Phosphatidylinositol signaling system
- hsa04070 (Graphviz view) [pdf]
- hsa04070 (KEGG view) [png]
PI3K-Akt signaling pathway
- hsa04151 (Graphviz view) [pdf]
- hsa04151 (KEGG view) [png]
AMPK signaling pathway
- hsa04152 (Graphviz view) [pdf]
- hsa04152 (KEGG view) [png]
mTOR signaling pathway
- hsa04150 (Graphviz view) [pdf]
- hsa04150 (KEGG view) [png]
Cell adhesion molecules (CAMs)
- hsa04514 (Graphviz view) [pdf]
- hsa04514 (KEGG view) [png]
Autophagy - animal
- hsa04140 (Graphviz view) [pdf]
- hsa04140 (KEGG view) [png]
Cell cycle
- hsa04110 (Graphviz view) [pdf]
- hsa04110 (KEGG view) [png]
- hsa04210 (Graphviz view) [pdf]
- hsa04210 (KEGG view) [png]
p53 signaling pathway
- hsa04115 (Graphviz view) [pdf]
- hsa04115 (KEGG view) [png]
Signaling pathways regulating pluripotency of stem cells
- hsa04550 (Graphviz view) [pdf]
- hsa04550 (KEGG view) [png]
Regulation of lipolysis in adipocytes
- hsa04923 (Graphviz view) [pdf]
- hsa04923 (KEGG view) [png]
Adipocytokine signaling pathway
- hsa04920 (Graphviz view) [pdf]
- hsa04920 (KEGG view) [png]
PPAR signaling pathway
- hsa03320 (Graphviz view) [pdf]
- hsa03320 (KEGG view) [png]
Longevity regulating pathway
- hsa04211 (Graphviz view) [pdf]
- hsa04211 (KEGG view) [png]
- hsa04714 (Graphviz view) [pdf]
- hsa04714 (KEGG view) [png]
Central carbon metabolism in cancer
- hsa05230 (Graphviz view) [pdf]
- hsa05230 (KEGG view) [png]
Type II diabetes mellitus
- hsa04930 (Graphviz view) [pdf]
- hsa04930 (KEGG view) [png]