Publications - Published papers

Please find below publications of our group. Currently, we list 565 papers. Some of the publications are in collaboration with the group of Sonja Prohaska and are also listed in the publication list for her individual group. Access to published papers (access) is restricted to our local network and chosen collaborators. If you have problems accessing electronic information, please let us know:

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A Note on Quasi-Robust Cycle Bases

Philipp-Jens Ostermeier, Marc Hellmuth, Konstantin Klemm, Josef Leydold, Peter F. Stadler


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Status: Published

Ars Math. Contemp. 2, 2, 231-240 (2009)


We investigate here some aspects of cycle bases of undirected graphs that allow the iterative construction of all elementary elementary cycles. We introduce the concept of quasi-robust bases that generalize the notion of robust bases and demonstrate that a certain class of bases of complete bipartite graph <i>K<sub>m,n</sub></i> with <i>m,n \ge 5</i> is quasi-robust but not robust. We furthermore disprove a conjecture for cycle bases of Cartesian product graphs.


Cycle space, Cycle basis, robust, quasi-robust, Kainen&#039;s Basis, elementary cycle, complete bipartite, Cartesian product
