Publications - Working papers

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Exact-$2$-Relation Graphs

Yangjing Long, Peter F. Stadler


[ PDF ]

Status: Submitted

Discr. Appl. Math.


Pairwise compatibility graphs (PCGs) with non-negative integer edge weights recently have been used to describe rare evolutionary events and scenarios with horizontal gene transfer. Here we consider the case that vertices are separated by exactly two discrete events: Given a tree $T$ with leaf set $L$ and edge-weights \lambda: E(T)->N_0, the non-negative integer pairwise compatibility graph nniPCG(T,\lambda,2,2) has vertex set L and xy is an edge whenever the sum of the non-negative integer weights along the unique path from x to y in T equals 2. A graph G has a representation as nniPCG(T,\lambda,2,2) if and only if its point-determining quotient G/~ is a block graph, where two vertices are in relation ~ if they have the same neighborhood in G. If G is of this type, a labeled tree (T,\lambda) explaining $G$ can be constructed efficiently. In addition, we consider an oriented version of this class of graphs.


Pairwise compatibility graphs, edge-labeled trees, thin graphs, block graphs, oriented graphs