Publications - Working papers

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Evolution of vault RNAs

Axel Mosig, Peter F Stadler


  [ Supplement ]

Status: In preparation

Encyclopedia of Life Sciences


Vault RNAs a small, about 100nt long, polymerase transcripts contained in the vault particles of eukaryotic cells. Although vaults are present in many but by no means all eukaryotes, an RNA component has been described in metazoa only. The RNAs exhibit conserved regions at the 3' and 5' ends containing also internal promoter elements. They form a panhandle-like well-conserved secondary structure. Most genomes contain only one or a small number of closely related vault RNA sequences. Only eutheria exhibit two clearly distinguished paralogs at syntenically conserved genomic locations. Their phylogenetic distribution is characterized by losses in major clades: while lophotrochozoa have vault particles and vault RNAs, the entire system has been deleted in all ecdysozoa.


RNA secondary structure, animal genomes, polymerase III transcripts