Publications - Working papers

Please find below working papers of our group. Currently, we list 58 working papers. In the list are only not published papers present. If you look for a preprint of an already published paper you must look in the "Published papers" section. If you have problems accessing electronic information, please let us know:

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Genome Annotation without Genes

Jan Engelhardt, Toralf Kirsten, Peter F. Stadler, Sonja J. Prohaska


[ PDF ]

Status: Submitted

GI 2010


The concept of the gene plays a fundamental role both in the interpretation and in the organization and storage of molecular biology data. Genes are treated as if they were unambiguously characterized physical entities with clearly defined measurable properties. The ubiquitous usage of genes in current bio-databases reinforces this perception. A closer look at the data models and the ongoing discussion of the gene concept itself, however, exposes the gene as an ill-defined \emph{ad hoc} construct that is unsuitable both as interface between functional annotation and sequence level data and as organizing principle in molecular biology. It should thus be abandoned in the context of genome annotation. As a collective of associated DNA, RNA, and protein sequences, the gene should be replaced with a more a more explicit model of the expression and processing cascade, implying that functional annotation should be linked explicitly to physical objects only.


gene, genome annotation, ENSEMBL, RefSeq, OTTER