Publications - Supplemental material

Please find below supplemental material corresponding to publications of our group. Currently, we list 133 supplements. If you have problems accessing electronic information, please let us know:

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BIOINF 21-004: Common Features in lncRNA Annotation and Classification: A survey

Christopher Klapproth, Rituparno Sen, Peter F. Stadler, Sven Findeiss, Jörg Fallmann

Data used in cite score ranking (last updated: 01.12.21) can be found als .xlsx table and PDF here.

Input data used in our mini-benchmark:

Sequence category File
coding transcripts coding_sample.fa
lncRNA transcripts lncRNA_sample.fa
mononucleotides sequences randomized_sample.fa
random genomic sequences random_genomic.fa

Output of the benchmarked tools can be downloaded in the corresponding subdirectories:

A summary of the published results can be found as plain text here.