Publications - Supplemental material

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BIOINF 09-020: Nematode sbRNAs: homologs of vertebrate Y RNAs

Ilenia Boria, Andreas R. Gruber, Andrea Tanzer, Stephan Bernhart, Ronny Lorenz, Michael M. Mueller, Ivo L. Hofacker, Peter F. Stadler

Detected sbRNAs/Y RNAs

  • Full list of detected sbRNAs/Y RNAs [HTML|CSV]
  • all sbRNAs [FASTA]
  • sbRNAs with verified promoter regions [FASTA]
  • Loop motifs of sbRNAs with verified promoter regions (+ Hits from A. caninum) [FASTA]

Genomes/Sequences used in this anlysis

Upstream sequences and Position Weight Matrices of other Pol III transcripts than sbRNAs/Y RNAs

  • Upstream sequences of U6 RNAs, RNAseP, RNAseMRP and tRNA-Sec used to build PWMs for TATA box, PSE A and PSE B [FASTA]
  • TATA box used for all species in clade V [Alignment|PWM]

Data used for syntenic region detection