Publications - Published papers
Please find below publications of our group. Currently, we list 565 papers. Some of the publications are in collaboration with the group of Sonja Prohaska and are also listed in the publication list for her individual group. Access to published papers (
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Binding of NUFIP2 to Roquin promotes recognition and regulation of ICOS mRNA
Rehage, Nina and Davydova, Elena and Conrad, Christine and Behrens, Gesine and Maiser, Andreas and Stehklein, Jenny E. and Brenner, Sven and Klein, Juliane and Jeridi, Aicha and Hoffmann, Anne and Lee, Eunhae and Dianzani, Umberto and Willemsen, Rob and Feederle, Regina and Reiche, Kristin and Hackermüller, Jörg and Leonhardt, Heinrich and Sharma, Sonia and Niessing, Dierk and Heissmeyer, Vigo
Status: Published
Nature Communications 9: 299
The ubiquitously expressed RNA-binding proteins Roquin-1 and
Roquin-2 are essential for appropriate immune cell function and
postnatal survival of mice. Roquin proteins repress target mRNAs by
recognizing secondary structures in their 3′-UTRs and by inducing mRNA
decay. However, it is unknown if other cellular proteins contribute to
target control. To identify cofactors of Roquin, we used RNA
interference to screen ~1500 genes involved in RNA-binding or mRNA
degradation, and identified NUFIP2 as a cofactor of Roquin-induced mRNA
decay. NUFIP2 binds directly and with high affinity to Roquin, which
stabilizes NUFIP2 in cells. Post-transcriptional repression of human
ICOS by endogenous Roquin proteins requires two neighboring
non-canonical stem-loops in the ICOS 3′-UTR. This unconventional
cis-element as well as another tandem loop known to confer
Roquin-mediated regulation of the Ox40 3′-UTR, are bound cooperatively
by Roquin and NUFIP2. NUFIP2 therefore emerges as a cofactor that
contributes to mRNA target recognition by Roquin.