Publications - Published papers
Please find below publications of our group. Currently, we list 565 papers. Some of the publications are in collaboration with the group of Sonja Prohaska and are also listed in the publication list for her individual group. Access to published papers () is restricted to our local network and chosen collaborators.
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Multi-Phase Artificial Chemistry
Gil Benkö, Christoph Flamm, Peter F. Stadler
Status: Published
The Logic of Artificial Life - Proceedings of the 6th German Workshop on Artificial Life (GWAL 2004),<br/>H. Schaub, F. Detje, U. Brüggemann (Eds.) Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Aka GmbH, Berlin, 2004, pp. 16-22.
Artificial chemistries can be used to explore the generic properties of chemical reaction networks. In order to simulate for instance scenarios of prebiotic evolution the model must be close enough to real chemistry to allow at least semi-quantitative comparisons. One example is a previously described Toy Model that represents molecules as graphs, thereby neglecting 3D space, and employs a highly simplified version of the Extended Hückel Theory (EHT) to compute molecular properties. Here we show how the Toy Model can be extended to multiple phases by connecting the EHT calculations with chemical thermodynamics.
Artifical Chemistry, Prebiotic Evolution