Publications - Published papers
Please find below publications of our group. Currently, we list 565 papers. Some of the publications are in collaboration with the group of Sonja Prohaska and are also listed in the publication list for her individual group. Access to published papers (
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Molecular Replicator Dynamics
Bärbel M. R. Stadler, Peter F. Stadler
Status: Published
Adv. Complex Systems, 6: 47-77 (2003)
Template-dependent replication at the molecular level is the basis of reproduction in nature. A detailed understanding of the peculiarities of the chemical reaction kinetics associated with replication processes is therefore an indispensible prerequisite for any understanding of evolution at the molecular level. Networks of interacting self-replicating species can give rise to a wealth of different dynamical phenomena, from competitive exclusion to permanent coexistence, from global stability to multi-stability and chaotic dynamics. Nevertheless, there are some general principles that govern their overall behavior.
We focus on the question to what extent the dynamics of replication can explain the accumulation of genetic information that eventually leads to the emergence of the first cell and hence the origin of life as we know it. A large class of ligation based replication systems, which includes the experimentally available model systems for template directed self-replication, is of particular interest because its dynamics bridges the gap between the survival of a single fittest species to the global coexistence of everthing. In this intermediate regime the selection is weak enough to allow the coexistence of genetically unrelated replicators and strong enough to limit the accumulation of disfunctional mutants.
self-replication, ligation, autocatalytic network, quasispecies, hypercyle, replicator equation, chemical kinetics, emergence
Alternative Numbers: SFI 02-09-049,<br/>presented at the international conference Emergence in Chemical Systems University of Alaska Anchorage, June 20-23 2002