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Aufwärts: Bioinformatisches Praktikum
Vorherige Seite: Clusteraufteilung
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N Felli, L Fontana, E Pelosi, R Botta, D Bonci, F Facchiano, F Liuzzi, V Lulli,
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Micrornas 221 and 222 inhibit normal erythropoiesis and
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Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 102(50):18081-18086, Dec 2005.
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Jana Hertel, Manuela Lindemeyer, Kristin Missal, Claudia Fried, Andrea Tanzer,
Christoph Flamm, Ivo L. Hofacker, Peter F. Stadler, and The Students of
Bioinformatics Computer Labs 2004 and 2005.
The expansion of the metazoan microRNA repertoire.
BMC Genomics, 7:25 [epub], 2006.
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Y Nakatani, H Takeda, Y Kohara, and S Morishita.
Reconstruction of the vertebrate ancestral genome reveals dynamic
genome reorganization in early vertebrates.
Genome Res, 17(9):1254-1265, Sep 2007.
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K R Norman, R T Fazzio, J E Mellem, M V Espelt, K Strange, M C Beckerle, and
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The rho/rac-family guanine nucleotide exchange factor vav-1 regulates
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D Steinke, S Hoegg, H Brinkmann, and A Meyer.
Three rounds (1r/2r/3r) of genome duplications and the evolution of
the glycolytic pathway in vertebrates.
BMC Biol, 4:16-16, 2006.
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A Tanzer and P F Stadler.
Evolution of micrornas.
Methods Mol Biol, 342:335-350, 2006.