Results from TMAP prediction:

Predictions for the sequence is given below.
A PostScript file showing the P values plotted against sequence positions can be downloaded by clicking here.

Please cite Persson, B. & Argos, P. (1994) J. Mol. Biol. 237, 182-192. and Persson, B. & Argos, P. (1996) Prot. Sci. 5, 363-371.
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Thank you for using TMAP!
Bengt Persson

RESULTS from program TMAP, edition 51

Numbers give: a) number of transmembrane segment
              b) start of TM segment (alignment position / residue number)
              c) end of TM segment (alignment position / residue number)
              d) length of TM segment within parentheses

PREDICTED TOPOLOGY:  Nin   (contributions:  6 in  6 out  K in  R in)
'in' corresponds to 'cytosolic'; 'out' corresponds to 'non-cytosolic'

PREDICTED TRANSMEMBRANE SEGMENTS FOR SEQUENCE /home/httpd/html/tmap/temp/1097497473.41871.msf

  TM  1:  107 -  128  (22.0)


  TM  1:  107 -  128 (22)